The broker must be connected on TriumphPay for you to connect.
- Login to your TriumphPay Carrier Profile with your username and password. Connecting to your broker allows you to view payments and see approved invoices. You will also be able to update your payment method and terms (when applicable) to apply to the broker you are connected with.
- If there are brokers that want to connect, there will be a blue banner with the message: “You have # new brokers that want to connect with you”.
- Select the arrow next to the message: “You have # new brokers that want to connect with you”.
- Select if you want to connect By contact info or By broker.
To connect by contact info
a. By connecting with your contact information, you can connect with all brokers under your phone number or email all at once, when you complete all the verification steps. Your contact information will be verified for 30 days.
b. If you recognized the phone number and have access, you will be able to connect to all brokers listed below. To see a complete list, click See All. Then, click Verify. This will bring up a pop-up window to select which mode you want to receive the verification code sent: Text me or Call me.
c. Click on Send code.If you recognized the email address as well, and you have access, click Verify. This will bring up a pop-up window.
To connect by Broker
a. Select Broker tab.
b. Click See all to see the complete list of Broker. Select the broker and click on Verify.
c. Select which mode you want to receive the verification code sent: Text me, Call me, or Email me. Click on Send code.
d. Enter the verification code received by the option you selected, and agree to the terms of service. Click Verify.
Once this step is completed, all associate brokers will have been successfully connected.
e. If the information listed is incorrect, or you do not have access to the phone or email listed to verify, please select the “I can’t verify the information” link. This will bring up a form to fill out to request assistance from a TriumphPay team member to override the code verification process.
A team member will be in contact with you within 24-48 hours using the phone number associated with your MC# or DOT# registered with FMCSA. If FMCSA needs to be updated, you will want to contact FMCSA directly at: (800)832-5660. It can take FMCSA up to 24 hours to update their information.